Monday, February 1, 2010

Too much blogging?

I was recently told by someone that I am "blogging the sh*t out of my trip", so much so that they didn't actually read the text, but at least looked at the 3 pictures. To be honest, keeping an electronic diary has become quite a burden. I have never been the correspondence type, nor the person who whips out a camera everywhere I go to take pictures - BUT I am trying. My sister keeps reminding me that this is my journal that I'll read years later, so for those out there who can't swallow all the text, I'm sorry, I'll start posting more pictures.
New Zealand is made for backpackers. As we travel along the country side in our bright orange STRAY bus, we pass at least 10 other similar buses (Kiwi Experience - "The Green Drunken Sex Wagon", filled with 18-24 year olds looking to get drunk and score; The Flying Kiwi - designed for the more outdoorsy types as they have mountain bikes attached to the back; South Island Tours - filled with people 50+, except for that one young person who wants to kill their travel agent) and at least 30 small camper vans (designed for those who want to explore the country without a guide and 40 other people.) Each town has at least 5 hostels; I have yet to see a nice hotel. Everywhere I go I see people tramping (not what you think I mean - in NZ this means hiking), with huge backpacks and hiking boots. Cafes and restaurants have signs for "backpackers welcome". You're probably wondering what kind of people are backpacking. In my bus right now (its a hop on/ hop off bus so the people are ever-changing), there are lots of Germans, Dutch, Canadians, and English - there is one other American guy from Oregon. About 75% are under 25, and about 50% are travelling alone. 100% have bigger bags than me. One of the girls today told me she was dreaming about poopies last night. Everyone is always asking for help with their English, and since she didn't ask, I figured she was actually dreaming about poopies. Turned out she meant puppies, but I had a good laugh.
After Abel Tasman we headed to a "nowhere town" called Barrytown. Since there is nothing to do there, each night (except Mondays and Thursdays) a Stray bus rolls in with people ready to get drunk. Two local teenagers actually walk 7 miles each night to hopefully hook up with some drunken Strays. Our theme party was "anything but clothes" which of course made for some scandalous outfits (ace bandages seemed like a good idea hours earlier when I was at the dollar store.) The next morning our hungover bus (except me, of course, I was bright eyed and bushy tailed) headed south to Franz Josef and spent the night at the Rainforrest hostel where I had to do laundry, again! The next morning at 8:15 I hiked the Franz Josef glacier, and discovered the ONLY word that rhymes with Tampon, a CRAMPON! I want to have these things in my everyday life, not just on large hunks of ice. They are spikes that attach to your shoes, I called them "Spidey Shoes", because you could walk on ice, snow and rocks and never slip. After 8 hours of climbing and digging into the ice, I came off the glacier and went right to the hot pools to sit and relax. This morning we headed out to where we are now, Makarora. We made a couple of stops to look at waterfalls, the fox glacier, and the southern alps. Basically watch The Lord of the Rings and you will see what I am seeing everyday. When we got into town (I say town, but it is a hostel on a hill, and thats it) we hopped on some JetBoats and rode about 50mph on this shallow river doing spins and turns and getting wet. Just another adrenaline pumping day here in New Zealand!!


  1. Before I even finish reading (I've only read the 1st few sentences)...I have to laugh that someone is actually complaining that you are writing too much. They can take a break from their brain and come back when they are ready....or continue to just look at the pics. Whatever. There is no test to follow.

    I LOVE reading every fabulously entertaining word...I wish you updated every day. It is a pleasure and I thank you for sharing. When the experience is over, you will LOVE to go back and read what you have written and remember all the experiences you had.

    Thanks Cait!

  2. Alex and I love reading your updates! Keep the great stories (we laughed for a while over poopies/puppies) and descriptions of your trip coming! Enjoy the gorgeous scenery and weather, and if you have the time, think of us as we're about to be buried under 12-24 inches of snow here in VA!

  3. You can't write too much! I get on the computer every single morning hoping to have an update--the longer the better!!!!!!
